Five Fascinating Tidbits About Thanksgiving: A Feast of Facts

Family praying
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Thanksgiving, a holiday steeped in history and tradition, is celebrated with much fervor in North America. It’s a time for gratitude, delicious feasts, and family gatherings. But there’s more to this festive occasion than meets the eye. Let’s uncover five fun facts that give a deeper insight into the Thanksgiving holiday.

1. The Origins of Canadian Thanksgiving: While many associate Thanksgiving with the United States, Canada’s version of the holiday actually predates America’s by over four decades. The earliest recorded celebration in Canada was in 1578, marking explorer Martin Frobisher’s safe arrival in Nunavut. Initially observed as a religious holiday, Canadian Thanksgiving gradually evolved into a secular day of gratitude, distinct from its American counterpart. By 1957, it was officially scheduled for the second Monday of October annually.

2. A Busy Day for Plumbers: Surprisingly, the day after Thanksgiving holds the title for being the busiest day for plumbers in the U.S. It’s not bathroom-related issues but kitchen sink drains and garbage disposals that predominantly keep plumbers on their toes, debunking the usual Black Friday-related assumptions.

3. A Diverse First Feast: The inaugural Thanksgiving meal was a far cry from today’s traditional turkey and cranberry sauce. Early settlers and Native Americans shared a menu consisting of eels, shellfish, wildfowl, and deer, with no sign of the now-classic cranberry sauce or pumpkin pie.

4. Drinksgiving: The night before Thanksgiving, known as ‘Drinksgiving’ or ‘Blackout Wednesday,’ ironically sees more drunk driving accidents than Christmas. It has earned a reputation for being the biggest bar night in America, overshadowing even some of the more traditionally festive occasions.

5. The Accidental Invention of TV Dinners: In 1953, Swanson found itself with an excess of 260 tons of frozen turkeys. In an ingenious move, the company sliced up the surplus meat, repackaging it into what would become the first ever TV dinner. This resourceful solution turned an overestimation error into a culinary innovation that changed the American dining landscape.

From its historical beginnings to modern-day customs, Thanksgiving is not just about the turkey and trimmings. It’s a holiday rich in history, with traditions and anecdotes as diverse as the people who celebrate it.

Four Facts About Mexico City: A Capital of Contrasts

Beautiful top view of Bellas artes at night, Mexico City, Mexico
Beautiful top view of Bellas artes at night, Mexico City, Mexico
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Mexico City, a bustling metropolis rich in history and culture, holds many surprises beneath its vibrant exterior. From its rapid physical changes to its unique influence on popular culture, this city never ceases to amaze. Here are four fun facts about Mexico City that highlight its extraordinary character.

1. The Sinking City: Mexico City is experiencing a dramatic descent, sinking at an alarming rate of up to 50 centimeters per year. At this pace, it humorously faces a journey to the Earth’s core in about 12.6 million years – a challenging deadline for city planners trying to address this pressing issue.

2. The City That Named a Country: Contrary to what some might think, the country of Mexico actually derives its name from its capital, Mexico City. The connection extends further back in history; New Mexico was named ‘Nuevo México’ after the Aztec Valley of Mexico by Spanish settlers long before the nation of Mexico was formally established.

3. Life Imitating Art: The James Bond film ‘Spectre’ left a lasting impact on Mexico City with its depiction of a vibrant Day of the Dead parade. Prior to the movie, no such parade existed in the city. However, inspired by the film, Mexico City hosted its very own “Día de Muertos” parade, drawing an attendance of 250,000 people in its first year and becoming a new tradition.

4. A Home Away from Home: Mexico City boasts the largest population of American expatriates in the world. With estimates ranging up to 700,000, the city is a preferred residence for more Americans than the entire state of Wyoming, highlighting its allure as an international hub.

These fascinating facts about Mexico City showcase its dynamic nature – a city that’s both rapidly evolving and deeply rooted in its rich cultural heritage.

7 Astonishing Facts About Spiders: A Glimpse into Their Mysterious World

The spider.
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Spiders, often feared and misunderstood, are creatures of fascinating abilities and peculiar habits. These eight-legged architects of the natural world possess characteristics that are as intriguing as they are diverse. Here are seven crazy facts about spiders that reveal their extraordinary capabilities and odd behaviors.

1. Hydraulic Legs: Unlike other creatures, spiders don’t rely on muscles to extend their legs. Instead, they use a hydraulic system powered by their blood pressure. This is why a spider’s legs curl up after it dies – the loss of blood pressure leaves them immobile.

2. Aerial Travelers: Spiders can embark on journeys spanning hundreds of miles, using the Earth’s electric field. They’ve been discovered as high as 2.5 miles in the air and 1,000 miles out at sea, showcasing their incredible range.

3. The Art of Seduction: Male spiders often woo their mates by offering gifts wrapped in silk. This clever tactic prevents the female from absconding with the gift without mating. Sometimes, the males even wrap up worthless items, tricking the female into mating.

4. Massive Spider Webs: In a staggering discovery, a wastewater plant in Baltimore, Maryland, became home to a 4-acre spider web, housing an estimated 107 million spiders, or about 35,000 spiders per cubic meter.

5. Ant Impersonators: Over 300 spider species have evolved to mimic ants, a survival strategy known as myrmecomorphy. These spiders use their front legs to mimic ants’ antennae, blending into ant colonies to avoid predators.

6. Urban Growth: Research indicates that spiders in urban environments are growing larger and developing bigger ovaries. The unique challenges of city life seem to be driving significant physical and biological changes in these adaptable arachnids.

7. A House of Horrors: A family in Missouri experienced a nightmare when they discovered their new home was infested with Brown Recluse spiders. An expert estimated a chilling population of 4,000 to 5,000 spiders, emerging en masse from the walls. Although their bites are excruciatingly painful, they are rarely lethal.

5 Surprising Fun Facts About Termites

The intricate world of termites often goes unnoticed, but these small creatures harbor some of the most fascinating behaviors and capabilities in the animal kingdom. Termites might just be small insects to many, but they’re behind some mighty feats that mirror the complexities of human societies. Let’s delve into five fun facts about these underestimated architects of the insect world.

Termite on brushwood
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1. House Termites’ British Invasion and Eradication: House Termites managed to cross into England despite its predominantly brick, block, or stone construction, which defies their preference for timber-framed houses. However, a persistent 27-year government-funded program successfully eradicated them by 2021, showcasing human determination against ecological disruptions.

2. Termites as Biofuel Producer: In the realm of renewable energy, termites are undergoing research for their remarkable ability to produce hydrogen. By consuming just a single sheet of paper, these tiny organisms can generate up to two liters of hydrogen, positioning them as one of the most efficient natural bioreactors on the planet.

3. A 3,000-Year-Old Termite Megapolis: In Brazil, scientists stumbled upon a termite metropolis as vast as the UK, believed to be around 3,000 years old. To construct this colossal structure, the termites moved enough soil to equate the mass of 4,000 Great Pyramids of Giza. Moreover, termites, alongside certain ants, are the pioneering agriculturists, having practiced farming 50-60 million years before humans even considered it.

4. Royal Lifespans and Cockroach Cousins: Contrary to common belief, termites aren’t close relatives of ants but are more akin to cockroaches. In their societal structure, not only is there a queen, but also a king, both reigning over the colony. Astoundingly, the queen termite outlives all other insects, with a life expectancy that can extend up to half a century. The kings are not short-lived after mating either; they stay alongside their queens for life.

5. The Selfless Elder Guardians: Termites redefine the concept of aging gracefully. The elders of the colony take on the role of guardians, equipped with ‘explosive backpacks’ of blue crystals. When threats loom, these aged warriors commit the ultimate sacrifice, detonating themselves to release deadly toxins that repel or kill adversaries, thus preserving their communities. This selfless act is a dramatic but vital strategy for colony defense, showcasing nature’s blend of ingenuity and sacrifice.

In these five facts alone, termites challenge our views on insects, showing us that they are not only master builders and potential biofuel producers but also have complex social hierarchies and self-defense strategies that rival the most advanced of societies.

10 Interesting Facts About H.G. Wells: Was He a Time Traveler?

H.G. Wells, a cornerstone of science fiction, possessed a mind that appeared to travel far beyond the confines of his own time, the Victorian era. With predictions and inventions that resonate profoundly with today’s technology and contemporary themes, one could whimsically wonder if Wells had a time machine of his own. Here are ten captivating facts about this prophetic author.

A plaque on Baker Street in London, marking the location where famous author HG Wells lived and worked.
A plaque on Baker Street in London, marking the location where famous author HG Wells lived and worked.
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1. Prophetic Visions: Born in 1866, H.G. Wells was a British writer whose creative imagination foresaw inventions like emails, phones, and lasers. It was his groundbreaking novel, ‘The Time Machine,’ that introduced the concept of a ‘time machine’ to the lexicon in 1895.

2. Turbulent Personal Life: Wells’s personal life was as eventful as his literary one. He married his cousin Isabel Mary Wells in 1891 but their union ended when he fell for one of his students, Amy Catherine Robbins. This tumultuous period, however, coincided with his most prolific writing phase, giving us classics like ‘The War of the Worlds’ and ‘The Time Machine.’

3. Colonial Critique in Martian Fiction: The invasion narrative of “The War of the Worlds” emerged from Wells’s ponderings about a Martian invasion of Britain, drawing a dark parallel to the British colonial extermination of the Tasmanian indigenous population, which scholars now often refer to as a genocide.

4. Atomic Bomb Prediction: H.G. Wells not only anticipated the atomic bomb but also coined the term in his 1914 novel “The World Set Free,” astonishingly describing a type of weapon similar to nuclear bombs, two and a half decades before the Manhattan Project began.

5. Literature to Lethal Panic: In a tragic case of life imitating art, a radio adaptation of ‘The War of the Worlds’ broadcasted in Ecuador in 1949 incited a panic that led to a mob burning down the radio station when the hoax was revealed, resulting in over ten fatalities.

6. Disaster Movie Blueprint: With his 1897 short story “The Star,” Wells essentially created the prototype for the modern disaster movie. The narrative details the catastrophic near-miss of a meteor with Earth, causing natural disasters on a global scale, presaging a genre that would captivate millions.

7. Teaching A.A. Milne: Before A.A. Milne created the beloved Winnie-the-Pooh, he was a student of H.G. Wells, who taught at a public school that Milne attended, demonstrating Wells’s influence extended into the personal lives of other significant writers.

8. Gaming Innovator: Wells was not only a literary genius but also an innovator in gaming. In 1913, he laid down the foundational rules for turn-based strategy games, influencing a myriad of tabletop and video games and paving the way for giants like Warhammer and Dungeons & Dragons.

9. Diabetes Advocacy: Among his less known but impactful contributions, H.G. Wells was a co-founder of Diabetes UK, one of the main diabetes charities in the United Kingdom, showing his involvement in social issues of his time.

10. Monumental Legacy: A testament to his enduring legacy, a 23-foot high sculpture of a Martian Tripod from ‘The War of the Worlds’ stands in Woking, England, where H.G. Wells once lived, immortalizing his impact on literature and the imaginations of generations.

Woking tripod
Photo by wikipedia

Whether Wells had prescient abilities or simply a visionary mind, his legacy continues to influence and entertain, leaving an indelible mark on the worlds of literature, film, and even gaming.

5 Interesting Facts About the Panama Canal

this is the panama canal taken from the plane
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The Panama Canal, a marvel of engineering and a pivotal pathway for global maritime trade, holds a history as fascinating as its construction is monumental. From its controversial beginnings to its influence far beyond the shores of Panama, the canal’s story weaves through international politics, remarkable feats, and curious anecdotes. Here are five captivating facts about this world-famous waterway.

1. U.S. Control and Controversy: The United States once managed a 10-mile-wide zone around the Panama Canal, stirring significant controversy. Many Americans were divided over this issue in the 1970s, seeing the U.S. presence as a violation of Panamanian sovereignty. This tension led to riots in 1964 and eventually, under President Carter, to the signing of two treaties in 1977. These treaties outlined the gradual transfer of the canal’s control to Panama by the end of 1999. Despite resistance from some U.S. circles, the agreement included a provision allowing the U.S. the perpetual right to defend the canal and prioritizing U.S. military vessels in its usage.

2. Nuclear Plans Abandoned: In a rather audacious chapter of history, the United States once considered using nuclear explosions to aid in construction projects, including widening the Panama Canal. This idea, part of a broader project known as “Operation Plowshare,” was eventually abandoned due to the severe radioactive contamination and fallout resulting from testing. The realization of the environmental and health impacts of such activities led to the scrapping of these plans.

3. A Swim for the Record Books: In 1928, adventurer Richard Halliburton paid the lowest toll ever recorded for crossing the Panama Canal – just 36 cents. He achieved this by swimming the canal’s approximately 80-kilometer length from the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean.

4. A Deadly Construction Project: The construction of the Panama Canal, initially started by France and completed by the United States, was marked by extreme peril and loss of life. Between 1881 and 1914, it’s estimated that around 25,000 workers lost their lives, primarily due to diseases and hazardous working conditions. The mortality rate was staggering, with about 408 deaths per 1,000 workers, making it one of the deadliest construction projects in history.

5. Panama City, Florida’s Name Game: The Florida city originally known as Harrison changed its name to Panama City, attempting to capitalize on the fame of the newly built Panama Canal. Intriguingly, if one were to draw a straight line from Chicago to the Panama Canal, it would intersect with Panama City, Florida, highlighting the city’s strategic rebranding efforts to boost tourism.

6 Fascinating Facts About Fishing

A fisherman with a fishing rod in his hand and a fish caught stands in the water against a beautiful sunset.
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Fishing, often seen as a serene and patient outdoor activity, hides beneath its tranquil surface a world filled with intriguing stories, innovations, and even extreme sports. From the use of high-tech gadgets to traditional methods that have withstood the test of time, fishing is an activity rich in history and diversity. Here are six captivating facts about fishing that highlight its unique blend of tranquility, innovation, and environmental impacts.

1. Thomas Edison’s Fishing Philosophy: Renowned inventor Thomas Edison was known to fish without bait. His goal wasn’t to catch fish; instead, he sought the quiet and solitude that fishing provided.

2. Underwater Religious Icons in the Philippines: To combat illegal dynamite fishing practices, Filipino officials ingeniously placed statues of Jesus and the Virgin Mary underwater. Fishermen, not wanting to damage these sacred figures, ceased using explosive techniques in these areas.

3. Gaming Meets Fishing: The Nintendo Gameboy wasn’t just a gaming device; it had an unexpected add-on: a sonar tool capable of locating fish up to 65 feet deep. This feature also included a fishing mini-game, blending digital and real-world angling experiences.

4. Environmental Impact of Fishing Gear: Around two percent of all fishing gear is abandoned in the oceans annually. The extent of this pollution is staggering; the amount of longline gear discarded each year could wrap around the planet over 18 times.

5. Skishing – Extreme Fishing: Originating in Montauk, a cabinet maker revolutionized fishing by inventing ‘skishing‘. This extreme form of fishing involves swimming into the ocean and fishing. The creator of this sport was even disqualified from a fishing tournament for using this unconventional technique.

6. Ukai – Traditional Japanese Fishing: In Japan, the ancient fishing method “ukai” is still practiced. It involves tying a rope around a bird’s neck, typically a cormorant, which then dives to catch fish. The rope prevents the bird from swallowing the catch, and the fisherman retrieves the fish by having the bird release it. This method showcases a unique harmony between human and animal in capturing the bounty of the sea.

10 Fun Facts About Art

Various paintbrushes collection
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Art isn’t just about brushes, canvases, and classical masterpieces; it’s a world brimming with fascinating stories, quirky happenings, and sometimes, outright hoaxes. From thefts motivated by love rather than greed to art so abstract it’s mistaken for an everyday object, the art world is full of surprises. Here are ten amusing and intriguing facts about art that reveal its more unusual side.

1. Stephane Breitwieser: This notorious art thief amassed artwork worth $1.4 billion, not for profit, but for his personal enjoyment. He didn’t sell any of the stolen pieces but instead displayed them proudly in his own home.

2. The Charm of Outsider Art: This genre encompasses works by self-taught creators, often untouched by formal artistic training or influences. Outsider art is recognized for its innocence and unconventional creativity, and many outsider artists gain fame posthumously.

3. The Pineapple Experiment: In an amusing exploration of what constitutes art, two Scottish students placed a pineapple in an exhibition, only to find it later enshrined in a glass display case, an unwitting piece of art.

4. Art Libraries in Germany: Imagine borrowing a painting or sculpture for your home as easily as borrowing a book. In some German cities, public art libraries allow just that for a nominal fee, bringing local art into everyday spaces.

5. Hitler’s Art Critiqued: In a revealing experiment, a modern art critic unknowingly reviewed Adolf Hitler’s paintings. He deemed them “quite good” but noted a telling lack of interest in human figures, reflective of the artist’s personality.

6. The Louvre Challenge: If you attempted to view every artwork in the Louvre for just 30 seconds each, you’d need over a month of continuous, break-less observation. A testament to the museum’s vast collection!

7. Pierre Brassau, The Ape Artist: In a 1964 hoax, a Swedish gallery displayed paintings by the fictitious artist Pierre Brassau. Critics praised the avant-garde work, not realizing that Brassau was actually a four-year-old chimpanzee!

8. The CIA and Abstract Art: During the Cold War, the CIA secretly funded American abstract expressionists, like Jackson Pollock and Mark Rothko, as part of a cultural strategy to counter Soviet art and showcase the freedom and creativity of the U.S.

9. The Nazi’s ‘Degenerate Art’ Exhibition: In 1937, the Nazis showcased what they called “Degenerate Art” to disparage modernist works by artists like Ernst, Kandinsky, Mondrian, and Picasso. Ironically, this exhibition drew more attention to these artists.

10. Mistaken for Art: Adding to the list of humorous art world anecdotes, in 2016, a visitor accidentally left his glasses in an art museum. Soon after, a crowd gathered, believing the misplaced glasses were an exhibit, prompting a flurry of photos and analysis.

8 Interesting Facts About Lawyers

Judge gavel with Justice lawyers, Lawyer or Judge counselor working with agreement contract in Courtroom, Justice and Law concept.
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Delving into the legal world, we find that the realm of law isn’t just about courtrooms and legal briefs. It’s often a stage for unexpected, sometimes unbelievable, happenings. Lawyers, pivotal in navigating this complex domain, have been at the center of many such intriguing incidents and developments. Here are eight facts about lawyers that highlight the unusual, the innovative, and the downright odd aspects of legal life.

1. The Birth of the Right to Counsel: The landmark ruling that you’re entitled to a lawyer even if you can’t afford one in the U.S. traces back to a wrongfully convicted man who taught himself law in prison and petitioned the Supreme Court. His eventual retrial and acquittal set a precedent. This incident, coupled with Miranda vs. Arizona – where Miranda wasn’t informed of his rights, including the right to an attorney – led to the establishment of the famous “Miranda rights.”

2. A Fatal Demonstration: In a dramatic twist during a murder trial, a lawyer aiming to demonstrate that a victim could accidentally shoot themselves, tragically proved his point when he accidentally shot and killed himself. His unexpected demise led to the defendant’s acquittal.

3. A Deadly Misstep: In an attempt to show a group of students the sturdiness of a 24th-floor window, a lawyer dramatically crashed through it and fell to his death. The window didn’t shatter, but it did pop out of its frame, leading to a fatal fall.

4. A Clever Disguise: To win a traffic case, one lawyer employed an audacious strategy: he replaced his client with another lawyer dressed as the defendant. This ruse fooled the key witness, a police officer, into misidentifying the accused. Though successful in court, the defense lawyer was charged with contempt for not informing the judge of his deceptive plan.

5. Why ‘Attorney at Law’?: The term differentiates legally trained representatives (attorneys at law) from “attorneys in fact” – individuals given legal authority to make decisions on behalf of someone else, often a relative. Interestingly, despite holding a Juris Doctor degree, lawyers in the U.S. are traditionally not referred to as “Doctor.”

6. Innovation on the Road: The invention of modern cruise control was inspired by an engineer’s frustration with his lawyer, who would constantly vary his car’s speed while talking during their journeys.

7. Trial by Combat Request: Reflecting the more bizarre side of legal requests, a lawyer in New York in 2015 sought to resolve a civil suit by demanding his right to trial by combat, a method of dispute resolution rooted in common law and abolished by Britain only in 1819 and declared invalid in the U.S. by 1823.

8. Jailhouse Lawyers: Within prison walls, some inmates turn into ‘jailhouse lawyers,’ studying legal texts to assist fellow prisoners with advice and representation. These self-taught legal aides often can’t secure their own release but are committed to helping others navigate the legal system.

7 interesting facts about baseball

Diving into the world of baseball, we find ourselves amidst not just a game, but a tapestry rich with outlandish narratives and strange occurrences. Beyond the bats and balls, America’s beloved game is steeped in a history filled with odd and fascinating tales. Ready to round the bases? Here are seven remarkable facts about baseball that stand out in the history of this legendary sport.

1. The Unique Trades of Keith Comstock: Keith Comstock‘s name resonates in baseball lore for two unusual reasons. Firstly, he was once traded for a bag of baseballs—a transaction he humorously completed by delivering the baseballs himself. Additionally, he’s famed for his baseball card, which uniquely captures him being hit in a rather painful and personal spot!

keith comstock baseball card

2. Rube Waddell’s Eccentricities: Hall of Famer Rube Waddell was known for his pitching prowess and his eccentric behavior. His unpredictable antics included abruptly leaving a game mid-play to go fishing, and being easily sidetracked by shiny objects, playful puppies, and even fire trucks, which he would chase, sometimes right in the middle of a game!

3. Baseball’s Leisurely Pace: An average baseball game might seem enduring, but did you know that it typically contains just 18 minutes of actual play? Yes, the majority of a baseball game involves players standing around, strategizing, and waiting for the next play.

4. Hiroshi Yamauchi’s Unique Ownership: Hiroshi Yamauchi, the late president of Nintendo, was the owner of the Seattle Mariners. Despite his significant investment and over two decades of ownership, Yamauchi never once attended a Mariners’ game and had not experienced a live baseball game before purchasing the team.

5. Baseball’s Popularity in Japan: In Japan, baseball is so deeply ingrained in the culture that many Japanese fans are astonished to learn that Americans also consider it their national sport. This shared passion highlights the global reach and love for the game.

6. Moe Berg – Baseball Player and Spy: Moe Berg, often described as the “strangest man to ever play baseball,” led a life that read like a spy novel. Fluent in several languages, Berg turned to espionage after his baseball career, working as a U.S. spy during World War II. His most dramatic mission involved potentially assassinating the German physicist Werner Heisenberg if it appeared the Nazis were close to developing a nuclear bomb.

7. The Marathon Game: The record for the longest professional baseball game stands at a staggering 33 innings, spanning over eight hours. This game pushed players to the brink of exhaustion, with the cold becoming so intense that some resorted to burning bats for warmth. The league’s president halted the match at 4 a.m., and when the game resumed a month later, it ended with a nail-biting score of 3-2.

These facts just go to show that baseball is more than a sport—it’s a repository of unique characters, surprising events, and enduring stories.