Fred Franzia, the creator of the affordable wine brand “Two Buck Chuck,” purchased the Charles Shaw name from a defunct winery for $27,000. When inquired about his wine’s lower price compared to water, Franzia humorously responded, “They’re overcharging for the water. Don’t you get it?”
What happened to all the other pages? Is there any ways to still access them?
At this time, unfortunately, there is no way to access them. I messed up the database and decided to build the website from scratch. Since 2008, I was updating this website with the new facts. 15k facts are in the old database. I can retrieve them, but I don’t think its worth the time spend. Ad revenue is like less than 5 cents a day. I’m doing this for fun.
I’ve been reading since 2010 and have been through every page a few times over. I read every night before bed. Thank you for the response and doing what you do!