1. The health benefits of tea have been recognized for centuries. In the 1600s, Cornelius Bontekoe, a Dutch physician, touted tea as the remedy for numerous ailments. His advocacy for this warming brew may have unintentionally sparked a health revolution in England. As tea drinking surged in popularity, mortality rates declined between 7%-25%. The key to this health boon? Boiling water for tea inadvertently purified it, reducing water-borne diseases.
2. Variety is the spice of life, but when it comes to tea, it’s all about the processing. Whether you’re sipping on black, green, or any other type, the leaves stem from the same plant: Camellia sinensis. The magic lies in how these leaves are treated and processed.
3. Forget the cocktails and coffees; tea is the ultimate global beverage. Only plain water surpasses its popularity. To put it into perspective, the worldwide consumption of tea exceeds the combined total of coffee, soda, and alcohol.
4. Ever considered the sequence of milk and tea pouring as an indicator of wealth? Historically, adding milk before tea was the norm. But, if you had the privilege of adding milk afterward, it spoke volumes about your financial status. Only the finest porcelain could withstand the heat of tea without cracking!
5. Language reflects culture and trade. The duality in naming tea — “tea” and “cha” — unveils its historical trade routes. Land-based trading regions adopted the term “cha”, while regions that received their tea via sea routes settled on “tea”.
6. For a gentler, soothing caffeine kick, turn to tea. Its calming influence is attributed to the amino acid L-theanine and a rich antioxidant profile, which together provide a more serene caffeination experience compared to the sometimes jittery effects of coffee.
7. In the American South, sweet tea was more than just a refreshing drink. Serving it was a display of opulence. The three main ingredients: tea, ice, and sugar, were luxury items. So, the next time you enjoy this sweet concoction, remember you’re sipping on a symbol of historical affluence.