Dive Into Japanese Folklore and Mythical Creatures

Ashiaraiyashiki is a giant, unwashed foot that appears before you, demanding to be washed.

Japanese folklore is such a cool place; it’s where all those weird, surreal, and just bizarre things come to life. You have everything from nightmare-eating monsters to haunted umbrellas to giant ears of corn-these stories give you a peek into this world where nature and the supernatural kind of mix...

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Five Fascinating Facts About Haunted Houses, Paranormal Phenomena and Ghosts

Drawn ghost of the girl in the wood
Photo by depositphotos.com

When it comes to the paranormal, the truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction. Ghost stories and eerie encounters have always enthralled us, so here are five intriguing facts about haunted houses, ghosts, and the world of the supernatural. 1. The Scientific Explanation Behind Haunted Houses A large number of purported haunted...

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