Manjirō Nakahama: A Japanese Pioneer’s Odyssey from Shipwreck to Gold Rush

Manjirō Nakahama, at the young age of 14, was a fisherman who, along with four companions, found himself stranded on an island following a shipwreck. Their rescue arrived in the form of an American whaleship, which transported them to Honolulu. While his friends decided to stay in Honolulu, Manjirō ventured...

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Thanksgiving Nuptials: NYC’s Chinese Immigrant Wedding Rush

In New York City, Thanksgiving holds the distinction of being the preferred wedding day for Chinese immigrants, given that it’s typically the one day when entire families aren’t working. Due to the high demand, restaurants must be reserved a year ahead, and it’s not uncommon for a single venue to...

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Deportation Agent Discovers Own Undocumented Status

Raul Rodriguez

In 2023, Raul Rodriguez, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent responsible for the deportation of numerous individuals, was shocked to discover that he himself was undocumented. Upon presenting his birth certificate to assist his brother in obtaining U.S. citizenship, Rodriguez found out that his documents had been fabricated since...

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