A Surprising Peek into Japanese Work Culture: From Quitting Services to Workplace Naps

Passengers sleeping on a late night train in Hiroshima Japan
Passengers sleeping on a late night train in Hiroshima Japan
Photo by depositphotos.com

For many of us, it feels as though we spend most of our waking hours working to cover bills and keep food on the table—some even juggle two jobs at once. Ever wonder how other countries handle work-related pressures? Take Japan, for example, where the professional world holds a central...

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Fascinating Work Facts: From Ghost Workers to Digital Nomads

Working hard to get to Heaven — this saying rings particularly true when we delve into the peculiar and sometimes eyebrow-raising facts about the world of work. From an employee who turned ghost-working into an art form to the burgeoning lifestyle of digital nomads, here are some detailed accounts of...

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Animal Instincts: The Drive to Earn Food vs. The Desire to be Served

Research has shown that a variety of animals such as rats, gerbils, mice, birds, fish, monkeys, and chimpanzees all prefer to work for their meals rather than receiving it freely. However, cats were the only exception found in the study, demonstrating a preference for being served their food instead.