6 Wild Tales from the World of Burger King

Burger King isn’t just another fast-food chain; it’s a brand with a history of quirky and audacious moves.

Burger King
Photo by depositphotos.com

From unique marketing stunts to bizarre spa experiences, here are six of the craziest facts about this global burger giant:

1. Sauna and Burgers in Helsinki: Imagine enjoying a Whopper in a sauna! In 2016, Burger King Helsinki made this possible by opening a spa in one of its restaurants. Equipped with a 15-seater sauna, showers, a PlayStation, TVs, and a range of beverages, customers could indulge in this unique experience for $283 per person.

2. The Mattoon Exception: Across the United States, Burger King reigns supreme with its name, except for a small area in Mattoon, Illinois. Here, an unrelated local restaurant, also named Burger King, holds the rights, creating a unique exception to the chain’s national presence.

3. The ‘Whopper Sacrifice’ Campaign: In a bold move in 2009, Burger King offered a free Whopper to anyone willing to unfriend 10 people on Facebook. The catch? Burger King notified the unfriended individuals, leading Facebook to suspend the eyebrow-raising campaign.

4. The McWhopper Proposal: In 2015, Burger King reached out to its rival McDonald’s with an idea to create the McWhopper, a mash-up of the Whopper and Big Mac. McDonald’s, however, wasn’t biting and declined the collaborative offer.

5. The “Where’s Herb?” Flop: Burger King’s 1985 “Where’s Herb?” campaign, which cost $40 million, turned out to be a misstep. The campaign centered on a character named Herb who had never visited BK. Competitors quickly pointed out Herb’s apparent preference for other burger joints, leading to a 40% profit drop for Burger King in 1986.

6. The Left-Handed Whopper: For April Fools’ Day 1998, Burger King announced a new “lefty” Whopper in USA Today, claiming it was designed for left-handed customers. The burger supposedly had the same ingredients as the original but was rotated 180°. This tongue-in-cheek ad drew thousands of customers to Burger King outlets, many of whom eagerly requested the special “lefty” Whopper, showcasing the power of a well-crafted prank.


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