Burger King isn’t just another fast-food chain; it’s a brand with a history of quirky and audacious moves.

From unique marketing stunts to bizarre spa experiences, here are six of the craziest facts about this global burger giant:
1. Sauna and Burgers in Helsinki: Imagine enjoying a Whopper in a sauna! In 2016, Burger King Helsinki made this possible by opening a spa in one of its restaurants. Equipped with a 15-seater sauna, showers, a PlayStation, TVs, and a range of beverages, customers could indulge in this unique experience for $283 per person.
2. The Mattoon Exception: Across the United States, Burger King reigns supreme with its name, except for a small area in Mattoon, Illinois. Here, an unrelated local restaurant, also named Burger King, holds the rights, creating a unique exception to the chain’s national presence.
3. The ‘Whopper Sacrifice’ Campaign: In a bold move in 2009, Burger King offered a free Whopper to anyone willing to unfriend 10 people on Facebook. The catch? Burger King notified the unfriended individuals, leading Facebook to suspend the eyebrow-raising campaign.
4. The McWhopper Proposal: In 2015, Burger King reached out to its rival McDonald’s with an idea to create the McWhopper, a mash-up of the Whopper and Big Mac. McDonald’s, however, wasn’t biting and declined the collaborative offer.
5. The “Where’s Herb?” Flop: Burger King’s 1985 “Where’s Herb?” campaign, which cost $40 million, turned out to be a misstep. The campaign centered on a character named Herb who had never visited BK. Competitors quickly pointed out Herb’s apparent preference for other burger joints, leading to a 40% profit drop for Burger King in 1986.
6. The Left-Handed Whopper: For April Fools’ Day 1998, Burger King announced a new “lefty” Whopper in USA Today, claiming it was designed for left-handed customers. The burger supposedly had the same ingredients as the original but was rotated 180°. This tongue-in-cheek ad drew thousands of customers to Burger King outlets, many of whom eagerly requested the special “lefty” Whopper, showcasing the power of a well-crafted prank.