6 Unbelievable Facts About Teachers That Will Surprise You

teachers facts art

Teachers have always been there, uniquely positioned to shape and mold lives and communities. Sometimes, though, the stories of their greatness rise above even the ordinary to that of triumph, discipline, and unexpected creativity. Here are surprising facts about teachers that go beyond the classroom. 1. The Loudest Shout Ever Came...

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8 Essential College Facts: Perception, Politics, and Economic Impact

Graduates wear a black dress, black hat at the university level.
Photo by depositphotos.com

College life and its impact extend far beyond the classroom. From social perceptions to long-term economic benefits, the college experience is a complex and multifaceted journey. Here are eight interesting facts that provide a deeper understanding of various aspects of college life: Impact of College Logos on Perception: A study found that...

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5 Insights about Teachers: The Backbone of Education

Kindergarten teacher and children with hands raised in library
Photo by depositphotos.com

Teachers, the guiding forces behind our learning journeys, have an undeniable impact on shaping young minds. From their influence on academic performance to their role in behavior management, the world of teaching is riddled with intricacies. Dive in as we unravel some curious facts about educators and their realm. 1. The...

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Pizza Farms: A Delicious Blend of Agriculture and Education

Have you ever heard of pizza farms? These are unique establishments that either sell pizzas made from ingredients grown on-site, or they function as educational farms that cultivate pizza ingredients, often on a circular piece of land divided into pizza slice-like segments. Some of these farms primarily focus on selling...

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College Majors and Marriage Rates by Age 30

A research study examined the influence of one’s college major on the likelihood of being married by the age of 30. Education, Plant Science, and Microbiology majors had the highest marriage rates, with 70-80% of them being married by age 30. Conversely, majors in Geography, Theater Arts, Music, Philosophy, and...

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Online Education Shift Neutralizes Appearance-based Bias in Grading

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the transition to online learning revealed an interesting change in academic performance. Research shows that attractive female students, who were previously found to receive higher grades, experienced a leveling of this advantage when classes moved to a virtual format. This finding suggests that biases based on physical...

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From Punishment to Pioneering: Thurgood Marshall’s Constitutional Journey

Once, a school principal disciplined a mischievous student by making them sit in the basement and read the U.S. Constitution. That student, Thurgood Marshall, memorized the entire document in the process. Later in life, Marshall achieved the historic milestone of becoming the first African American Supreme Court Justice. As a...

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