10 Surprising Slices of Facts about Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut Fast Casual Restaurant. Pizza Hut is a subsidiary of YUM! Brands
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Pizza Hut, one of the world’s most recognizable pizza chains, has a rich and savory history filled with interesting tidbits. Here are 10 surprising facts that add extra flavor to the story of this renowned pizza brand:

  1. Classic Touch: Pizza Hut cherishes its heritage with the existence of “Pizza Hut Classic” restaurants. Endorsed by co-founder Dan Carney, these locations flaunt legacy logos, iconic red roofs, classic lamps, and the character Pizza Hut Pete welcoming guests at the door.
  2. Space Delivery: Pizza Hut marked its cosmic presence by delivering a pizza to the International Space Station in 2001. The venture saw them paying Russia a whopping $1 million to transport the savory delight into orbit.
  3. Slogan Showdown: In a saucy legal battle, Pizza Hut successfully sued Papa John’s, claiming that their slogan “fresher ingredients” didn’t necessarily mean a “better” pizza.
  4. Cheese Monopoly: The cheese crowning your Pizza Hut pizza likely comes from Leprino Foods, which dominates the pizza cheese market with an 85% share, supplying other major pizza chains like Domino’s and Papa John’s as well.
  5. Franchise Flip: After selling Pizza Hut to Pepsi in 1977, one of the original founders turned his attention to Papa John’s, becoming a major franchisee with ownership of 133 locations by 2001.
  6. Upscale in China: In China, Pizza Hut is a slice above the rest, considered an upscale restaurant offering delicacies like escargot, tiramisu, and lamb shanks.
  7. Presidential Promotion: Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Soviet President, added a slice of endorsement to the brand by starring in a Pizza Hut commercial.
  8. Online Ordering Pioneer: Pizza Hut blazed the digital trail in 1994 with PizzaNet, the first restaurant to test online ordering for delivery, based in Santa Cruz, California. The original site is still accessible, commemorating one of the earliest documented Internet purchases: a pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese.
  9. Fragrance Fling: In 2012, the brand toyed with the idea of releasing a limited-edition perfume that encapsulated the scent of fresh dough. Although thousands expressed interest, only 110 fans snagged a bottle through a Facebook competition, receiving their prize in mini pizza box packaging.
  10. App for Assistance: A Florida woman ingeniously used the Pizza Hut app to get police help when she and her children were held hostage. By conveying a message through the app’s comment section, she managed to alert the authorities and ensure the captor’s arrest.

Uncovering Five Unbelievable Realities About U.S. Healthcare

Cost of health care
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The United States’ approach to healthcare has often sparked heated discussions and remains central to policy reform dialogues. The complexity of this system has unfolded some truly unbelievable scenarios. Let’s uncover five such interesting realities:

1. Journey for Cost-Effective Treatment:
A growing number of Americans, particularly those residing close to the Mexican border, are traversing into Mexico to seek medical services. With treatments often priced at 20 to 25 percent of what they cost in the U.S., this has become an attractive option. Notably, Los Algodones has become a hub for Americans searching for more affordable dental services, earning itself the moniker “Molar City.”

2. Funded Universal Healthcare Elsewhere:
It is quite fascinating that nations such as Iraq and Afghanistan have access to universal healthcare, largely financed by the United States, painting a contrasting picture to the healthcare scenario on American soil.

3. Differing Expenditure Levels:
Research indicates that aligning U.S. healthcare pricing with European standards could potentially cut the expenditure disparity by 60%. This alignment could substantially bridge the health outcome differences observed between the two regions.

4. Desperate Quest for Medical Services:
Illustrating the extremities some go to for healthcare, a man in North Carolina, aged 59, purposefully incited a minor bank robbery, hoping that incarceration would grant him improved healthcare access.

5. Debating the Form of National Healthcare:
Historical records from 1971 show President Nixon introducing the idea of a national healthcare system. Interestingly, the major discussion point was not the need for such a system, but the specific form it should take.

Unveiling Surprising Insights on Artificial Sweeteners

Man adding sugar to his coffee or tea
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Artificial sweeteners, found in a myriad of products across the globe, continue to be a focal point of debate and examination. At this moment, esteemed health entities such as the World Health Organization and the European Food Safety Authority are revisiting their stance on these sugar substitutes. Let’s delve into five fascinating revelations about artificial sweeteners from the latest research:

  1. Rethinking Aspartame: Novel studies are suggesting that aspartame, a prevalent artificial sweetener, might be linked to disruptions in learning and memory in mice, even when consumed in quantities lower than the FDA’s recommended safe limit.
  2. Reevaluating Cancer Risks: A comprehensive review of health records from 102,865 individuals in France, tracked for more than ten years, has unearthed a potential connection between artificial sweetener consumption and a heightened risk of cancer.
  3. Gut Bacteria and Glucose Levels: Research indicates that ingesting artificial sweeteners can modify the microbial composition in our intestines. Remarkably, alterations in gut bacteria and subsequent impacts on blood glucose regulation were noticed after just a fortnight of consumption.
  4. Exploration into Monkfruit Sweetener: The excessive consumption of white table sugar or artificial sweeteners can lead to various health complications. In pursuit of a healthier alternative, scientists have introduced a low-calorie sweetener derived from the luo han guo fruit, also known as “monkfruit.” This sweetener, already available in markets and noted for its gritty texture in solid form, has been found to be as sweet as table sugar and beneficial for promoting “good” gut microbes in laboratory experiments.
  5. Exploring Heart Disease Correlations: Preliminary findings are pointing towards a potential association between the consumption of artificial sweeteners and the onset of heart disease.

5 Fascinating Narratives from the World of Mythologies

Antique relief with chimera
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From creatures that speak in human tongues to deities representing the abstract, these tales have been a fundamental part of human history, providing insight into the human psyche and the mysteries of the unknown. Here are five intriguing and whimsical myths that have captivated the imagination through the ages:

1. The Silent Orangutans of Indonesia
According to local Indonesian folklore, Orangutans possess the ability to speak human languages. However, they choose to remain silent, fearing that revealing this ability would lead to them being forced to work.

2. The Misunderstood Sirens of Greek Mythology
Contrary to popular belief, the sirens from Greek mythology were never depicted as beautiful mermaids. These creatures were actually envisioned as bizarre human-faced birds that lured men to their demise by promising wisdom and foreknowledge.

3. Ratatoskr: The Messenger of Insults in Nordic Mythology
Within the realms of Nordic mythology, a squirrel named Ratatoskr had a unique job. It was tasked with carrying insulting messages between a great eagle and a dragon situated at opposite ends of Yggdrasil, the colossal World Tree.

4. Kasa-Obake: The Umbrella Demon of Japanese Mythology
Japanese mythology holds that if an umbrella is left alone long enough, it transforms into a one-eyed, one-legged hopping demon called Kasa-Obake.

5. Huh: The Deity of Infinity in Egyptian Mythology
In the intricate pantheon of Egyptian mythology, there exists a deity named “Huh” who embodies the concepts of Endlessness, Eternity, and Infinity.

7 Insights into Our Mental Health

Body of a beautiful girl in a meditation on the beach
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The human mind, with its profound complexity, continues to be a source of enduring curiosity. Each foray into its depths yields insights that challenge our conventional understanding. Dive into these seven mental health findings that might just catch you off guard:

1. Rethinking Negative Thoughts: Contrary to popular belief, pushing away negative thoughts might be beneficial. A study involving 120 participants from various countries found that training them to suppress distressing events improved their mental well-being. Not only did the negative memories lose their intensity, but participants also reported an overall enhancement in their mental health.

2. Emotional Vocabulary Matters: Possessing a rich emotional lexicon is linked to better mental health, as per a Japanese study. The broader your range of emotional words, the healthier your mind seems to be.

3. Body Over Brain: Contrary to conventional wisdom, indications of mental illness manifest more starkly in poor body health than in poor brain health. Integrating mental and physical healthcare could potentially diminish the detrimental impacts of physical ailments on those with mental disorders.

4. West Virginia’s Mental Health Crisis: Among the US states, West Virginia faces the most significant challenges regarding mental health. Alarmingly, out of the 50 counties in America with the direst mental health statistics, 30 are in West Virginia. This includes the counties ranking in the top ten.

5. Enduring Mental Stability is Rare: Think perpetual mental health is the norm? Think again. A staggering 83% of individuals aged between 11 and 38 will encounter a mental disorder at some point in their lives.

6. The Sunshine Effect: When it comes to mental well-being, sunshine plays a more pivotal role than temperature or rainfall. It appears that a sunny day can significantly boost our mental mood.

7. Tattoos and Mental Health: An interesting correlation has emerged between tattoos and mental health. Studies suggest that individuals with tattoos are more likely to grapple with mental health challenges.