Resusci Anne’s Echo: The CPR Dummy Behind Michael Jackson’s ‘Smooth Criminal’ Refrain

In the iconic Michael Jackson track “Smooth Criminal,” the memorable refrain “Annie, are you OK?” derives its inspiration from Resusci Anne, a mannequin commonly employed for CPR training. Interestingly, Resusci Anne, also known as the “most kissed face” in the world, was designed in the late 1950s to help teach...

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Fraternity Membership: Lower GPA, Higher Future Earnings

In 2019, a study conducted by Union College discovered that while joining a fraternity during college decreased a student’s GPA by an average of 0.25 points, it also led to a 36% increase in their future earnings. This suggests that despite the potential academic impact, fraternity membership may provide valuable...

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Global Parental Regret: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Child-Free Desires

A recent study conducted by YouGov, a prominent opinion research institute, revealed that approximately 20% of German parents regret having children and would choose a child-free life if given the opportunity. The survey included responses from 2,045 parents, with 19% of mothers and 20% of fathers expressing this sentiment. There have...

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Woodpeckers’ Ingenious Brain Protection

As a woodpecker relentlessly pecks at tree trunks, its tongue retracts into its skull and encircles the brain, providing essential protection from the intense vibrations. This remarkable adaptation is just one of the many unique traits of woodpeckers, who also possess specialized beaks and robust neck muscles, enabling them to...

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The Costly Lesson of American Airlines’ Lifetime AAirpass

In 1981, American Airlines introduced the “lifetime unlimited AAirpass” at a cost of $250,000, which would be equivalent to around $870,000 in today’s currency. This exclusive pass granted lifetime access to unlimited first-class flights, and an additional companion pass could be obtained for an extra $150,000. The airline hoped that...

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