Video Calling Reduces Loneliness in Pet Parrots: A Study

A recent study has shown that pet parrots, when taught to use video calls to communicate with one another, experience reduced loneliness. By providing the birds with a tablet for making video calls, researchers observed an increase in social behaviors such as preening, singing, and play. The parrots were allowed to choose their “friends” to call via the touchscreen tablet, and it was discovered that the most frequently called birds were the most popular choices among the parrots.

Apollo 11’s Unspoken Plan: Preparing for Moon Mission Failure

Despite careful planning, things can still go awry, emphasizing the importance of preparing for the worst.

In 1969, as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin made their groundbreaking lunar landing, NASA’s main worry was whether the lunar lander could effectively leave the moon’s surface and reunite with Michael Collins aboard the lunar orbiter.

Had the liftoff been unsuccessful, Armstrong and Aldrin would have faced a harrowing fate, stranded on the moon with the world watching.

To prepare for such a disaster, President Nixon’s speechwriter, William Safire, crafted a message for Nixon to deliver. The plan included contacting the astronauts’ spouses, severing communication with the moon, and having a clergy member recite a prayer akin to a burial at sea. Nixon would then address the nation via television.

The Nixon White House prepared this letter in the event that American  astronauts did not survive the Apollo 11 mission.
The Nixon White House prepared this letter in the event that American astronauts did not survive the Apollo 11 mission.

Thankfully, the somber speech was never necessary. It remains uncertain whether Nixon was aware of its existence, but the astronauts discovered it during a 1999 interview commemorating the 30th anniversary of the moon landing.

Pandemics Shape Human Immunity: Black Death’s Legacy

The Black Death’s 14th-century survivors had genetic traits now linked to autoimmune diseases like Crohn’s. This demonstrates how past pandemics influenced the evolution of human immunity genes, highlighting the complex interplay between pathogens and human genetic adaptation.

Ancient Greek Midwifery: Exclusively Women’s Domain

In ancient Greece, men were legally prohibited from becoming midwives, as the law mandated that only those who had experienced childbirth themselves could qualify for the profession. This requirement was based on the belief that firsthand knowledge of the birthing process was essential for providing the best care to expectant mothers. Additionally, women in ancient Greece often felt more comfortable receiving care from other women during childbirth due to cultural norms and the intimate nature of the process.

Inspired by Cinema: The Birth of Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI)

In the 1998 film “Enemy of the State,” the National Security Agency (NSA) pursues Will Smith utilizing real-time satellite feeds, a surveillance technology that was not available at the time. However, the movie’s portrayal of this advanced system inspired a government research engineer to spearhead the development of Wide Area Motion Imagery (WAMI).

WAMI is a cutting-edge surveillance technology that allows for the continuous monitoring and tracking of a vast area using high-resolution imagery. This innovative system can be mounted on various platforms, including drones and aircraft, to provide real-time information on the ground.