5 Astonishing Stories of Impersonation: From Transit Heists to High School Pranks

Impersonators often find themselves in the headlines for their audacious and sometimes unbelievable acts of deception. Whether for fame, mischief, or more sinister motives, these individuals have managed to dupe people in ways that seem straight out of a movie plot. Here are five astonishing tales of impersonators who took their act to extreme levels.

Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe Impersonators on Hollywood Blvd., May 27, 2009 in Hollywood, CA
Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe Impersonators on Hollywood Blvd.
Photo by depositphotos.com

1. The Transit Worker Who Wasn’t: Darius McCollum’s story is one of dedication to a role he was never assigned. Arrested 32 times for impersonating a transit worker, McCollum commandeered countless buses and subway trains over 30 years, meticulously staying on route and schedule, all without official employment. His dedication even extended to attending union meetings, despite not being a member.

2. Howie Mandel’s Expensive Prank: Long before he became a famous comedian and TV host, Howie Mandel was expelled from high school for a daring impersonation. He managed to convincingly mimic a member of his school board, going as far as to sign a construction contract for an addition to his school, an act that quickly led to his expulsion.

3. Steven Jay Russell’s Escapades: The story of Steven Jay Russell reads like a Hollywood script. He once impersonated a prison guard to walk out of prison freely. Recaptured, he then posed as a judge to lower and pay his bail, escaped another capture by pretending to be a doctor, and even faked his death. These repeated escapades eventually earned him a 144-year sentence.

4. Commanding a Disaster Response: In a daring act of deception, a man arrived at the I-40 bridge collapse site and took command of the federal disaster response by impersonating a U.S. Army Captain. He successfully led the response for two days before vanishing.

5. The French Teenager in Texas: A 23-year-old French con artist took impersonation to a deeply personal level by assuming the identity of a missing 16-year-old Texas boy. He lived with the boy’s family for months, despite keeping his French accent and having a different eye color from the missing teen, highlighting the extent to which people can be deceived under emotional stress.

From commandeering public transportation to escaping prisons and living under a stolen identity, these five stories show just how far impersonators can go in their deceptive endeavors.

10 facts about cats

Cats, those enigmatic and independent creatures that share our homes, are a source of endless fascination and mystery. From their ancient history to their quirky behaviors, there’s so much more to these feline friends than meets the eye. Here are ten interesting facts about cats that might just surprise you.

Portrait of a happy sleeping cat
Photo by depositphotos.com

1. Self-Domestication: Unlike most domesticated animals, cats essentially domesticated themselves. Originating from the European forest cat and Southwest Asia/North African wildcat, they were drawn to early human settlements because of the abundance of prey. Genetic studies indicate that domestic cats emerged around 4,400 BCE in the Near East and 1,500 BCE in North Africa, remaining genetically similar to their wild ancestors until the Middle Ages when selective breeding diversified their breeds.

2. Invasive Superpredators: Cats are known both as invasive species and superpredators. Their remarkable hunting skills enable them to significantly impact small fauna populations, placing them second only to humans in their predatory impact.

3. Hunting Tactics: When cats appear to be ‘playing’ with their prey, they are actually employing a strategy to exhaust them. This makes it safer for the cat to deliver a fatal bite without risking injury.

4. Unblinking Hunters: Cats don’t need to blink regularly to keep their eyes moist, giving them an advantage in hunting. However, they do squint, often as a form of affectionate communication with other cats or humans.

5. The Slow Blink: Anxious or scared cats can be soothed through a technique known as the ‘slow blink.’ It’s a non-threatening signal that can make nervous cats feel more at ease, and is widely used in animal shelters.

6. Black Cats and Sailors: Historically, sailors viewed black cats as good luck charms and would often have them aboard as ‘ship’s cats.’ Fishermen’s wives also kept black cats at home, believing they would ensure their husbands’ safe return from the sea.

7. Viking Wedding Gifts: In Viking culture, cats were valued and often given as wedding gifts due to their association with Freyja, the goddess of luck. A love for cats was seen as auspicious for a happy marriage.

8. Sacred Creatures: Several ancient religions revered cats as exalted souls and guides for humans, believed to be all-knowing but silent to avoid influencing human decisions.

9. Feline Social Awareness: Recent research has shown that cats not only recognize their own names but also the names of other cats and humans they interact with regularly.

10. Selective Listeners: A study has revealed that cats can recognize their owners’ voices but often choose to ignore them, displaying their famed independent nature.

From their origins to their complex behaviors and cultural significance, cats continue to captivate and intrigue us in countless ways.

Chilling Delights: 10 Refreshing Facts About Ice Cream

Delve into the delicious and delightful history of ice cream, a treat that has captivated taste buds for generations. From its humble beginnings to its evolution into a global dessert phenomenon, ice cream holds a plethora of fun facts and quirky stories. Let’s scoop into ten fascinating tidbits about this beloved frozen delight.

Three ice cream cones in a metal basket on blue wooden vintage background
Photo by depositphotos.com

1. Ice Cream’s Hygienic Past: In the era before ice cream cones, “penny licks” were the norm. These were reusable glass containers that unfortunately contributed to the spread of diseases due to their frequent reuse and lack of proper cleaning.

2. The U.S. Navy’s Floating Ice Cream Factory: The U.S. Navy’s passion for ice cream during World War II led to the creation of an ice cream barge in 1943. This floating factory could churn out 10 gallons of ice cream every seven minutes, satisfying the cravings of sailors and marines.

3. An Ice Cream Truck’s Final Run: The Smashing Pumpkins’ music video ‘Today’ drew inspiration from Billy Corgan’s childhood memory, where a quitting ice cream truck driver distributed all his remaining ice cream to the local kids.

4. Fidel Castro’s Ice Cream Fervor: The Cuban leader’s love for ice cream was legendary, once indulging in 18 scoops in a single session. His passion even led to the establishment of a national dairy industry and the opening of his own ice cream parlor.

5. The Founding Fathers’ Frozen Indulgence: America’s early leaders had a penchant for ice cream. Thomas Jefferson penned an 18-step vanilla ice cream recipe, while George Washington reportedly spent $200 on ice cream during the summer of 1790.

6. The Origin of Chocolate Ice Cream: Surprisingly, chocolate ice cream predates vanilla, marking its place in history as the first of the two flavors.

7. The Birth of the Ice Cream Sundae: To circumvent laws prohibiting the sale of ice cream sodas on Sundays, ingenious 1800s shop owners created the Ice Cream Sundae. They served ice cream with syrup, sans soda, adhering to the regulations.

8. High-Altitude Ice Cream Making: During WWII, U.S. bomber pilots made ice cream mid-flight by strapping containers of ice cream mix to their planes. The high altitude and turbulence did the churning, producing ice cream upon landing.

9. Ben & Jerry’s Generous Perk: Employees at Ben & Jerry’s enjoy a sweet daily benefit – three free pints of ice cream.

10. Häagen-Dazs vs. Frusen Glädjé: In a legal battle of ice cream titans, Häagen-Dazs sued Frusen Glädjé over their use of a Scandinavian theme. However, the court ruled against Häagen-Dazs, noting their own lack of authentic Scandinavian ties despite similar marketing strategies.

Unveiling the Unique World of Shoes: From Presidential Secrets to Ancient Footwear

Shoes are more than just a fashion statement; they carry stories, innovation, and even secrets of the past. Let’s lace up and explore five captivating facts about shoes that might just change the way you look at your next pair.

As of 2010, the oldest known leather shoe, recovered at the base of a Chalcolithic pit in the cave
Photo by wikipedia

1. The Nuclear Codes in Reagan’s Shoe: In a startling historical footnote, when President Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981, emergency responders, while cutting away his clothes, unknowingly tossed a card with nuclear launch codes into his shoe. Left unattended on the hospital floor, this critical piece of national security was hidden in plain sight.

2. Chubby Checker‘s Legal Twist with Footwear: The singer famed for “The Twist,” Chubby Checker, once found himself entangled in a legal battle over a namesake app. This unusual app claimed to predict a man’s penis size based on his shoe size, leading to Checker’s lawsuit over the bizarre and unauthorized use of his name.

3. Nike’s Olympic Ban for ‘Technological Doping’: Nike’s Alphafly running shoes, dubbed “the shoe that broke running” by sports scientist Dr. Ross Tucker, were banned from the Olympics. These shoes, featuring advanced technology for enhanced energy return, were considered a form of ‘technological doping’, giving athletes an unfair advantage.

4. The New York City Ballet’s Expensive Footwear: The world of ballet demands not just grace but also a significant investment in footwear. The New York City Ballet, for instance, allocates a staggering $780,000 for shoes annually. Dancers can go through hundreds of pointe shoes performing classics like ‘The Nutcracker’ and ‘Swan Lake’.

5. The Areni-1: An Ancient Shoe Discovery: The discovery of the Areni-1 shoe in 2008 revealed a 5,500-year-old leather shoe in near-perfect condition. Predating artifacts from Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza, this shoe offers a fascinating glimpse into ancient life. Moreover, 10,000-year-old sagebrush sandals found at Oregon’s Fort Rock Cave suggest that the use of shoes dates back between 40,000 and 26,000 years ago, highlighting the longstanding relationship between humans and their footwear.

From secret codes in presidential shoes to the ban on Olympic ‘super shoes’, these facts reveal the unexpected and wide-ranging influence of this everyday item.

5 Facts About the Florida Everglades: Nature’s Unique Waterworld

The Florida Everglades, often described as a river of grass, presents a unique and vast ecosystem that stretches 60 miles wide and 100 miles long. This slow-moving river, with its half-mile per day flow, is a natural wonder full of fascinating secrets and environmental challenges. Here are five remarkable facts about this diverse and crucial habitat.

Amazing aerial view of Everglades National Park, Florida.
Amazing aerial view of Everglades National Park, Florida.
Photo by depositphotos.com

1. A Rare Coexistence: The Everglades stands alone globally as the only ecosystem where both alligators and crocodiles live together. This rare cohabitation offers a unique opportunity to observe these ancient reptiles in a shared natural habitat.

2. The Python Invasion: The Everglades faces a significant ecological threat from an invasion of Burmese pythons. This infestation, which began with the destruction of a snake breeding facility during Hurricane Andrew in 1992, has seen these massive snakes expanding northward, upsetting the ecological balance.

3. The Averted Ecological Disaster: In 1968, plans to construct a colossal airport for supersonic jets in the Everglades were halted by environmental activists. A federal report revealed that the project would have irreparably damaged the south Florida ecosystem, leading to the preservation of this vital environmental area.

4. Battling the Python Menace: Florida’s Python Elimination Program incentivizes individuals to hunt these invasive pythons, paying them based on the length of the snakes. Originally introduced as released pets, these pythons have wreaked havoc on local wildlife, prompting this unusual conservation strategy.

5. A Champion for the Everglades: At the age of 79, Marjory Stoneman Douglas became a pivotal figure in the fight against draining and developing the Everglades. Her relentless advocacy earned her the affectionate title “Grande Dame of the Everglades” and led to her receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her environmental efforts.

These facts highlight the Everglades as not just a biodiverse wetland but a crucial battleground for conservation, showcasing the delicate balance between nature and human intervention.